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Quinn Summers

Welcome to my page! I'm a sophomore journalism major at Old Dominion University. I'm also the news editor of the ODU Mace and Crown, our campus student publication. This e-portfolio contains my assignments centered around the LGBTQ+ Organizational Culture in the Pacific Northwest coursework.​


Pre-Travel Analysis

Peer Engagement

In this podcast episode, Gray, Riley and I discussed the organizations we researched for our project. While I mostly moderated the discussion in the second half, I spoke at length about the policies of Costco, my organization of choice, as well as what I learned about queer inclusive policy in general. I was particularly surprised about how  thorough Costco is about supporting its queer workers, and how few scandals it's experienced over the years vis a vis the LGBTQ+ community. Costco is, by my analysis, one of the best places to work as a queer person in America, and the best major retailer for the LGBTQ+ community. It even avoids the pitfalls of "pandering" to the community that some retailers fall into. Costco doesn't care if you're cis or trans, straight or otherwise. It will treat you fairly, pay for your medication, use your preferred name, anything it has to do to make sure it retains as many good staff members and customers as possible. This is the way a retailer should conduct itself.


Post-Travel Reflection

Here is my audio podcast reflection on what I've learned over the course of this class, as well as my trip to Seattle.

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